WIN a Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment Neighborhood Outdoor Movie Party

Win a Movie Night for your School, Neighborhood, organization or HOA.

We are running a contest on Facebook to win an Outdoor Movie Party for a School, neighborhood, organization OR HOA.

Contest ends 31st March 2017, winner to be announced early April.
* Winning group to provide the location, power source and permits (if required)
* One nomination per person/per day
* Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment will provide movie licensing up to $150
* Winner and Party location to be within Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment Northern California or Southern Oregon Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment locations
* Prize has no Cash Value and can not be combined with other promotions
* Event date to be within 2017 season (dates are subject to availability)

Win a Movie Night for your School, Neighborhood, organization or HOA

Click here to link to our facebook page, then look for the above image.

“Nominate” your school, neighborhood, organization or HOA in the comments section (please also list zip code or town) Good Luck ALL!

Get an extra nomination for your group by signing up for our email list

Good Luck!

Paul the Outdoor Movie Guy

By |2018-09-27T17:51:31-05:00March 3rd, 2017|Ultimate Outdoor Movies Wine Country|Comments Off on WIN a Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment Neighborhood Outdoor Movie Party

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