FREE Screening of Screenagers Documentary


We are providing our projection services and A/V equipment for a FREE indoor screening of Screenagers.

“Screenagers is about the impact of the digital age on children and how to help them minimize harmful effects and find balance. After seeing the film, people tell us that they feel more confident and better equipped to establish balance around screen time.

Assumption School PTG is proud to bring Screenagers to our community. Please join us on Thursday April 27 at 7:00pm in the school gym. Discussion and strategies to help manage screen time in your household will follow the movie. Students and teens in 6th grade and above are encouraged to attend with their parents or guardians. This event is open to the entire community so feel free to spread the word in your networks.

Follow this link to reserve your FREE ticket:

For more information about the film:

Popcorn and snacks will be available for purchase.

Thank you to Ultimate Outdoor Entertainment for providing screen and projection”

By |2017-04-07T17:50:59-05:00April 7th, 2017|Ultimate Outdoor Movies San Francisco|Comments Off on FREE Screening of Screenagers Documentary

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